CRIOLO (Brazil) plus Special Guests

The whole world is watching the political nightmare that surrounds Brazil right now, and as Brazilian cultural producers, we feel that it is our responsibility to make a stand with our events. Art can change society, and an artist that creates something that makes us see different aspects of our reality are the ones that really cause us goose bumps.

 Criolo falls right into that category, and we’d like to invite you to come along and enjoy the ride.

 Criolo's new concert is named after the song and video "Boca de Lobo" released in 2018. Criolo returns to Rap to sing about this moment with purpose, not only for the sake of critics.

 On stage, the singer brings a retrospective from his career, embracing every genre he's played with. On the setlist, there's "Etérea", a song to praise the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ community, and is also his first work with eletronic music.


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